On March 2013 FIDE rating list publication, officially, GM Wesley So (born 9 Oct 1993) from the Philippines breached the 2700 mark. His March 2013 FIDE rating of 2701 was derived from his live rating of 2701.3 that he achieved 2 days earlier at the conclusion of Reykjavik Open 2013 on 27 February 2013 where he tied for first place, a 3-way tie, with GMs Pavel Eljanov (Ukraine) and Bassem Amin (Egypt).
In the previously published Youngest to breached the 2700 mark, the first 7 youngest were mentioned (Carlsen, Giri, Vachier-Lagrave, Karjakin, Caruana, Grischuk & Radjabov), and in the new list three were added i.e. Wesley So at 8th, Liren Ding at 9thand Ian Nepomniachtchi at 10th. All the players were under 20 years old when they breached the hyper-GM status.
Source : http://chessaccount.wordpress.com/